When and why should I change my water filter?

on July 13 | in Refrigeration | by | with No Comments

Most manufactures recommend changing your water filter every 6 months.  Of course it all depends on how much water on average your family uses.  If you have a heavy use of water and ice out of your refrigerators dispenser you may have to consider changing it earlier than most.  A decrease in flow, no ice being made, a status indication light or a single dirty ice cube can be some of the signals letting you know that it is time for that time of the year to head to your local filter supplier such as Appliance World.  What is most important when it comes to filter is not always the when but the why?  Not changing your water filter can lead to the growth of bacteria and mold not to mention the fact that the water will have a funny taste and in some cases develop a funky smell.  When the time comes, you can always give us a call to answer any questions or to place your order and we can even ship directly to you.


Madeleine Jimenez


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