How do I keep my refrigerator running smoothly and efficiently?

on February 28 | in Featured Posts, Refrigeration, Tips & Tricks | by | with No Comments



There are several ways to keep your refrigerator running smoothly and efficiently.

  1. Keep it clean. We’re talking inside and out. Here’s an in-depth look at cleaning the inside (including how to save energy while doing so)
  2. Keep it full. If you’re rocking a beer-and-mustard-only fridge, consider unplugging it and investing in a much smaller model. Alternately, consider stocking your fridge well. That way your appliance is not using energy to just keep air inside of it cool.
  3. Change the water filter every 6 months if not sooner. It is important to keep the filter new to ensure the icemaker/water dispenser stays working at top performance
  4. As for the outside, this is where the vacuum comes in. Vacuum the coils. Using a vacuum fitted with a hose attachment, make sure to keep the coils clean. Once a year is all it takes.
  5. Speaking of coils, check the placement of your fridge. It needs about two inches of clearance in the back to allow proper room for ventilation.
  6. Check and monitor the temperature. Using an appliance thermometer, keep an eye on the temperature over the course of a week to make sure it remains steady, between 38 and 41 degrees is fine for the fridge. By keeping the door closed as much as possible will also help to make the machine not over work itself.

-Christina Hutzel


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