How to Grow Herbs Indoors

on September 1 | in Recipes, Tips & Tricks | by | with No Comments

Growing fresh herbs can be a great way to add that just picked taste to any recipe. Fir gardeners and chefs alike, an indoor herb garden is a fantastic addition to any kitchen.  For the inexperienced gardener, maintaining the optimal growing environment can sometimes be tricky, without the help of the great outdoors. Fortunately, there are a few tips you can follow to ensure your herbs are perfectly grown every time.


Make Sure They Get Enough Light– Optimally, plants need about six hours of sunlight a day to continue growing at a consistent pace. Place them on the ledge of a window that receives the best angle of sunlight. If natural light isn’t an option for you, place several lamps around your herbs and set them on a 24-hour timer.


Water is Essential for Growth– Just like people, water is vital for any plant to grow and thrive. If a plant becomes dehydrated, the nucleus of the cells starts to die making it very difficult for them to survive. The finger test is still a great way to test if your plants need watering. Stick your finger into the dirt near the rim of your plants pot about an inch and a half deep. If your finger comes out wet wait a day or two before refilling. If it’s dry, it’s time to water again.


Don’t Harvest Too Much- Harvesting herbs is essentially removing part of the plants vital system. Of course this is the whole point of growing herbs in the first place but it’s important to never take more than half. This allows the remainder of the herb to regrow itself allowing you to harvesting again. If you feel your herb isn’t yielding enough leaves, it may be time to pot a second plant.


Plants Need Humidity– This is often something that amateur growers forget. When growing outside in natural conditions, there is always an element of humidity present in the air. However, when we move our growing inside synthetic humidity is always needed.  To make sure your herbs are getting the humidity they need, place a few of them on dishes filled with marbles and water. These mini-reservoirs keep the air around your plant moist.


Organize Your Herbs– Arranging your herbs stylistically can look pretty, but puts them at a disadvantage for water and light schedules. Instead, designate an area for each type of herb and schedule specific times for food, light, and water distribution.


It can sometimes require a bit of patience, but transitioning your herbs indoors to continue growing all year round is really a beneficial practice. Herbs can be frozen or even infused in oil for a multitude of different uses. If one of your herbs doesn’t make it, don’t get discouraged. Practice really does make perfect, you’ll be on your way to a vast variety of herbs in no time!


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